Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pregnancy : 31 Week

Yah! You are thirty-one weeks now. You may be ready to be done with this whole pregnancy thing, but your baby still needs a little more time in the womb before she will be ready to leave. You may be anxious to have your pre-pregnant body back, but it is early in your third trimester. You should still have time to prepare for your baby and read up on childbirth. In this week’s newsletter we are going to be discussing water births and birth positions. Water births are becoming very common and a popular birth choice for moms. Water can make labor more comfortable and ease the pain during contractions. Some moms choose to labor in the tub but don’t feel comfortable or do not have the option to give birth in the water.

What is going on with mom & baby
Baby: Baby’s crown to rump length is around 29 cm (11.4 inches). Your baby weighs about 1700-1800 grams ( 3.75-4 pounds). Your baby is beginning to store iron, calcium and phosphorous now. If you have a baby boy, his testicles may be located in the scrotal sac now. Your baby will be putting on weight at a faster rate now in preparation for his entrance to the world.

Mom: As your belly gets bigger, you may be even more uncomfortable. The third trimester is infamous for it’s aches and pains. Have your partner give you a massage or better yet go in for a professional massage. You can arrange a session with a qualified massage therapist for as little as $30 depending on what part of the country you live in.

This week’s Pregnancy Checklist

  • Purchase a labor ease kit (comes with oils, teas or massage products)
  • Purchase a bath robe or pajamas to wear at the hospital.
  • Start setting aside cash in case you need it at the hospital or after birth.
  • Make sure you have a watch to time contractions.
  • Purchase a nursing bra and nursing pads. (You may need as much as a size larger once your milk comes in)
  • Take a new belly picture for your scrapbook or journal.

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