Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pregnancy : 33 Week

Welcome to week thirty-three. We promised you a newsletter about pain relief and not just the “hee-hee-hoo” kind. This week’s newsletter is for all you girls that just don’t like pain or don’t want to commit to doing things naturally. We are going to tell you about all your options, and when we are done, we expect you to talk them over with your doctor or midwife. She can tell you what is available at your hospital or birthing center and help you decide which options are best for you. Epidurals are probably the most asked about pain relief option. You may be hearing all kinds of things about epidurals and, well, you might be feeling a little apprehensive about having one. We are going to try to put your mind at ease and answer your questions about epidurals and other pain relief options you may have heard about.

What is going on with mom & baby
: Baby’s crown to rump length is around 31 cm (12.2 inches). Your baby weighs about 2100-2250 grams ( 4.6-5 pounds). Your baby is starting to get cramped for space but she is still very active. Your baby is doing a lot of growing right now preparing for her entrance to the world. Your baby’s lungs are still not mature yet but she is starting to practice breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid into her developing lungs.

Mom: Remember to keep drinking lots of water to stay hydrated. If you are having problems with hemorrhoids, as many moms do at this stage in pregnancy, you may find soaking in a warm bath helps. Witch hazel pads or over-the-counter medicated wipes may help to ease discomfort and keep the rectal area from getting irritated.

This week’s Pregnancy Checklis

  • Purchase extra batteries for baby’s swing or other gear.

  • Purchase diaper care products.

  • Purchase extra nipples for your bottles, bottle brush or bottle liners.

  • Verify that your crib is assembled correctly and there are no safety hazards.

  • Write down any questions you have for your next doctor’s visit.

  • Take a new belly picture for your scrapbook or journal.

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